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As you can see below, we offer a fabulous and varied schedule of regular groups and local community activities here at Honeybourne Village Hall. 
To find out more, please get in touch with the specific contact below. For an overview of when each group is here, please go to our Weekly Calendar page. 

Coffee Morning - Every Thursday, 9am-12pm 

Come along and enjoy a coffee and cake every Thursday morning at Honeybourne Village Hall. 
Bring a friend and meet new friends. Bring a book, borrow a book, and have a chat! 

Pilates Classes With Nicky 

Contact Nicky Lawford to book your place on 07534 473 553 or email her at nicky@studio113.uk. 
Roll out your gym mat and get ready to do a series of movements that will stabilise and strengthen your core. The moves may look straightforward, but they take a lot of precision and control, there is a strong emphasis on technique. 
Beginners are welcome and can start with basic exercises progressing to advanced moves as confidence improves. Participants will get stronger, more sculpted muscles and gain flexibility. 
Caution: Side effects include better posture and an improved sense of wellbeing. 

Steady circuits with Holly Monday 6pm to 6:45pm 

Starting 7th October 
Contact Holly - 07889 408 015 

Fitness & Yoga With Jae 

Contact Jae on jaejaept@outlook.com
Fitness: Mondays at 10.30am 
Yoga: Tuesdays at 10am 

Alternating weeks:  Yoga and Sound baths 7pm to 8pm 

7th October (Yoga) & 14th October (Sound baths) 
Contact Holly - 07889 408 015 

Short Mat Bowls 

If you enjoy watching bowls, and perhaps marvelled at the skill of the professionals performing on TV, why not come along to the Village Hall on Friday evenings at 7.30pm and have a go yourselves, at a somewhat simpler version called Short Mat Bowls. 
All the equipment is provided. The only thing we ask is that you wear flat shoes, trainers etc are ideal. The cost is £2 per session and everyone is welcome. 
For more details, email Sylvia Matthews at sylviamatthews1@msn.com

Stretch Class 

Julie Pickett runs a very friendly stretch class suitable for senior members of the community to aid flexibility and also make new friends at the same time.  
Come along and join in. All new members are given a warm welcome! 
Contact julie.pickett@btconnect.com for more details. 

Honeybees Women's Institute 

Honeybees usually meet at 7.30pm on the 3rd Monday of the month at the Village Hall. We welcome ladies of all ages and have a varied programme of events, workshops and outings and the opportunity to listen to inspirational speakers. 
The Wi is a great place to meet others and make new friends. New members are most welcome and the first two meetings are free. 
For more details, contact Alison Baumber, President, on honeybeeswi@gmail.com

Wednesday Club 

If you are over 60 and would like to join the Wednesday Club, we meet at 2.30pm on the first Wednesday of each month in the Village Hall. 
We welcome new members to join us on day trips and to see our different speakers every month. 
For more details, email Sylvia Matthews at sylviamatthews1@msn.com

Children's Performing Arts Class 

Performing Arts Classes for 4-6 year olds 
Young children become more confident and develop lifelong skills at our safe, fun and welcoming singing, dancing and drama classes. Our Early Stages classes last 90 minutes and are held weekly during term time. 
For more details Contact Charmaine, 01386 896105, evesham@stagecoach.co.uk  


Ditch the workout! 
Join the party!  
Come along to the hall on Saturday mornings at 9.30 to join Lesley and her friendly Zumba class. 
Zumba is a fun and effective workout to great music and you will find that even your hips know the words! 



Honeytots Toddler Group 

Honeytots playgroup offers a safe, warm, welcoming environment for babies and toddlers up to school age. 
Messy play, Imaginary play, Song time, Snack time and plenty of toys to keep your little ones entertained. 
All welcome no booking required. 
Join Carly on a Tuesday evening at 7.30pm for Yoga flow - a mixture of Hatha and Vinyasa inspired yoga postures - focusing on your breath and movement to invigorate and balance the body & mind. All abilities welcome. 
Please contact Carly to book: 07774 950411 or email wellnesswithcarly@outlook.com 
Contact Us 
If you are interested in running a group at the village hall, please contact us on bookings@honeybournevillagehall.org, or call us on 01386 833 600, leave a message and one of the team will call you back.